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What Is Your
Costing You?
The BROTHER project is studying how income can impact health among Black men impacted by chronic illness.
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To Be Eligible:

Black Men
We are seeking Black men.

Age: 25+
We are seeking Black men, aged 25 years or older.

Health Problem
We are seeking Black men, aged 25 years or older, who have chronic health conditions to participate in our research.
Examine the
more closely to understand the significance of this study.

Black men in Arkansas earn, on average, only $0.78 per every $1.00 that white men in Arkansas earn.
Or Call Us at 501.291.1049
About S-PAC
The S-PAC Center will conduct, analyze, and disseminate rigorous research that informs the use of evidence-based public health practices within criminal justice (CJ) settings. The Center will focus its efforts and activities on the southern US, where the epidemic of mass incarceration has been particularly severe. S-PAC will work with researchers, community members, organizations, and policy makers to better understand and address public health challenges associated with CJ involvement among individuals, families, and communities. S-PAC will also seek to change the culture of mass incarceration by assisting individuals and communities in using data to drive system-level reform.
Or Call Us at 501.291.1049
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